Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chetana Keni is now a Cogmed Coach!

Dyslexics are not slow learners.... they are usually "Quick Forgetters!"
A Memory Overload is what most children and adults express.
Infact all of us in today's world -where knowledge is getting redundant every 24 hours or even lesser- are suffering from information overload!

The Cogmed Program is the solution to a clearer mind and successful life ahead!

With just an hour invested everyday for 25 days, you will reap benefits for life. CONTACT TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT.

Working memory is the search engine of the mind
Working memory is the cognitive function responsible for keeping information online, manipulating it, and using it in your thinking. It is the way that you delegate the things you encounter to the parts of your brain that can take action. In this way, working memory is necessary for staying focused on a task, blocking out distractions, and keeping you updated and aware about what’s going on around you.

We use our working memory constantly in daily life helping us to perform efficiently and effectively in academic, professional, and social settings. Cogmed exists to help you improve your working memory to be better equipped to meet your challenges.

The guide below provides examples of how the working memory works and how a working memory deficit disrupts daily life at various age levels.
Working memory is crucial for…
Indicators that a working memory needs exercise
Pre school
·         Learning the alphabet
·         Focusing on short instructions such as “Come brush your teeth”
·         Remaining seated to complete independent activities, such as puzzles
·         Seems unwilling or unable to learn alphabet, numbers
·         Can’t focus long enough to grasp and follow instructions
·         Flits from one thing to another
Elementary school
·         Reading and understanding the content (reading comprehension)
·         Mental arithmetic
·         Interacting and responding appropriately in peer activities such as playing on the school ground
·         Reads (decodes) but does not understand or remember material read
·         Problems memorizing math facts
·         Difficulty participating in group activities (e.g. awaiting turn); makes friends but cannot keep them
Middle school
·         Doing homework independently
·         Planning and packing for an activity
·         Solving multi-step math problems, especially word problems
·         Participating in team sports
·         Does not begin or persist with homework without supervision
·         Packs but forgets items essential for activity
·         Reads the problem but can’t break it into understandable parts
·         Problems grasping rules of a game, functioning as a “team player”
High school
·         Getting a driver’s license – and driving safely
·         Understanding social cues, responding to demands of a social situation
·         Writing essays, reports
·         Problems with spatial awareness, reading and following traffic cues
·         Interrupts, talks excessively, doesn’t listen to others
·         Essays and reports are short, sloppy, and disorganized
·         Focusing on and following a conversation
·         Making and adhering to work plans, such as studying for an exam successfully
·         Participating in group activities in school and socially
·         Sustaining focus and interest throughout lectures
·         Changes topics suddenly, makes irrelevant comments
·         Procrastinates, then tries to “cram” the night before an exam
·         Doesn’t listen or participate during group activities
·         Falls asleep or “zones out” during lectures
·         Getting to work on time
·         Meeting deadlines at work
·         Prioritizing multiple activities
·         Handling conflicts within the family
·         Frequently late to work
·         Often underestimates time required for a task
·         Has problems breaking a project into manageable steps
·         Often loses temper with children and spouse
·         Actively participate in group discussions
·         Being able to perform what you are planning to do
·         Organizing your materials and activities
·         Managing important financial transactions
·         Forgetfulness
·         Distractability
·         Losing track of the topic in a conversation
·         Misplacing things like glasses, mobile phone, keys etc

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Aurinko Academy on Suvarna News Channel 2012

Aurinko Academy is back in the news again!

Suhasini – 15 Oct 12

This time the focus was on the school, its philosophy, its methodology and the curriculum.  We have been emphasizing since long that every child is special and the methodology at Aurinko Academy helps us to cater to every child. When a child enters Aurinko all the disabilities disappear. So what remains is the child and the special curriculum!

With our aim clear and the efforts maximum, the tag of special school has been eliminated!

Watch it now on :

Aurinko Academy Pilot
